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Мы в социальных сетях

Occupational Injury Prevention

Medical practice is one of the most complicated fields of human activity. Physicians experience a significant intellectual load, sometimes intellectual load is accompanied by hard physical stress and endurance. Medical specialists are expected to have good short-term memory and long-term memory, attention, high working abilities in extreme conditions.

To ensure good health of patients, medical specialists have to be healthy themselves. Physicians have to deal with various physical, chemical and biological factors. They regularly experience nervous and emotional tension. Besides, they often have problems with the body organs and systems exposed to functional overstress.

The common measures for the prevention of occupational injuries and morbidity include: availability and proper use of sanitary clothes, personal protective equipment, compliance with the work-rest schedule, compliance with the equipment safety rules, occupational selection, trainings on safe working methods, provision of relevant instructions, regular knowledge testing. The occupational risk management is vital. A proper use of hazardous substances, equipment and tools, biological substances and a compliance with labour protection requirements is the key to risk management.