Minsk, Dolginovsky tract, 152
Phone/fax: +375(17) 303-24-42
+37517 377-80-46
E-mail: rnpc@mentalhealth.by
We inform the interested medical tourism providers to make contracts with our center for the provision of medical services to foreign citizens.
For more information, please, call at:
+37517 2717129
For more information, please, call at
For adults:
8-017-290-44-44 (24/7)
8-017-290-43-70 (24/7)
For children and teenagers:
8-017-263-03-03 (24/7)
The full list of crisis helplines
for the citizens of the republic
Clinical protocol
for the provision of medical rehabilitation services to the patient with mental and behavioral disorders by health care providers.
The state institution «Republican Research and Practice Center for Mental Health» is: