Russian version

Minsk, Dolginovsky tract, 152
Phone/fax: +375(17) 303-24-42
+37517 377-80-46


Мы в социальных сетях

Staying in enhanced comfort wards

Enhanced comfort wards

№ п/пName of the paid serviceUnit of measurementTariff (in rubles) excluding VATTariff (in rubles) including VAT
1 2 3 4 5
1 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 3rd department, with an area of 8.5 sq.m.   bed-day 10,17 12,20
2 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 3rd department, with an area of 8,6 sq.m. bed-day 10,25 12,30
3 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 7th department, with an area of 7,7 sq.m. bed-day 10,08 12,10
4 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 7th department, with an area of 9,5 sq.m. bed-day 10,33 12,40
5 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 18th department, with an area of 8,5 sq.m. bed-day 10,17 12,20
6 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 20th department, with an area of 9,4 sq.m. bed-day 11,08 13,30
7 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 20th department, with an area of 7,8 sq.m. bed-day 10,83 13,00
8 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 21st department, with an area of 9,4 sq.m. bed-day 10,75 12,90
9 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 21st department, with an area of 7,8 sq.m. bed-day 10,50 12,60
10 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 29th department, with an area of 9,5 sq.m. bed-day 10,67 12,80
11 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 29th department, with an area of 7,8 sq.m. bed-day 10,50 12,60
12 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 31st department, with an area of 8,4 sq.m. bed-day 10,92 13,10
13 stay in advanced comfort ward in the 31st department, with an area of 8,5 sq.m. bed-day 11,00 13,20

*Note: the tariffs do not include the cost of medicines, medical devices and other materials that are paid by the customer additionally.