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Magnetic resonance imaging

Item №The name of the paid serviceUnit of measurementTariff without VAT (rub, kop.)
1 2 3 4
1.2.  Magnetic resonance imaging from September 26, 2022г.
1.2.28 Complex magnetic resonance imaging of the part of spine, of spinal cord, of soft tissues without contrast enhancement (magnetic field strength 1.5T). Procedure 145,48
1.2.32 Complex magnetic resonance imaging of the brain without contrast enhancement (magnetic field strength 1.5T). The procedure includes a study of the facial skull, hypophysis and a program for the early diagnostics of strokes. Procedure 173,10
1.2.33 Complex magnetic resonance imaging of the brain without contrast enhancement with MR angiography (magnetic field strength 1.5T). The procedure includes a study of the facial skull, hypophysis, angiography and a program for the early diagnostics of strokes. Procedure 210,90